Posts tagged alcohol-free
How to support your cognitive health in midlife

“Like it or not, at some point during midlife, you’re going down, and after that there are only two choices: staying down or enduring rebirth.” Brené Brown

You can completely change your life in your 50s. But if your brain isn’t working so well - if you can't concentrate, if you struggle to make decisions, or you struggle to find the right words or your memory isn't quite what it used to be - it makes it more challenging to turn things around.

Our cognitive health is all-important.

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Peri-menopause, alcohol and me

Perimenopause and menopause cause changes in body composition and may also lead to depression, anxiety, stress, fatigue, insomnia and cognitive decline –all of which, according to various studies, can trigger the onset of alcohol abuse or worsen previously existing alcohol use disorders (AUDs).

And this is what happened to me – my existing AUD spiralled out of control.

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How nutrition can support becoming alcohol-free

It makes sense that by paying attention to what and when you eat, and to what and how you supplement - by supporting the physiological imbalances caused by chronic drinking - you will make a big difference to how you feel as you recover.

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