Posts tagged midlife health
How to support your cognitive health in midlife

“Like it or not, at some point during midlife, you’re going down, and after that there are only two choices: staying down or enduring rebirth.” Brené Brown

You can completely change your life in your 50s. But if your brain isn’t working so well - if you can't concentrate, if you struggle to make decisions, or you struggle to find the right words or your memory isn't quite what it used to be - it makes it more challenging to turn things around.

Our cognitive health is all-important.

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5 simple ways to support fatigue

Being tired, when you know there is good reason for it, is different to fatigue. Tiredness is an expected consequence when you have been working without a break or not sleeping enough or under huge amounts of stress, but ongoing fatigue may be a sign that things are not be quite right.

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Gut feelings

More often than not, by the time we reach middle age our guts are in less than perfect working order. And good gut health is paramount because it affects every single system in our body - immune, cardiovascular, brain, hormones, skin, muscles and bone health. But unless we understand what is driving our gut dysfunction - the root causes - then it is difficult to support our gut health effectively.

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